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2020-05-16 (4).png

BAHIR is a released project when I was working as an intern for three months in Octopus 8 Studios. BAHIR is a 2D puzzle game that player needs to solve puzzles by using light and shadow throughout the levels. I was a level designer and a programmer. My job was designing the starting area of 9 levels in total and the tutorial levels, communicating with the main designer and marketing team, programming the game and implementing assets.

Download the game: here



Part of my job was designing levels using the 2 puzzle mechanics in the first area and making the tutorial. The level designs are focused on helping the player learn the puzzle and getting more challenging in the later puzzles. 


To design the puzzles more efficiently and manage the difficulties, I came up with a method of a number of minimum steps to take to solve the puzzle. The higher the difficulties the more steps it will take to solve the puzzles. For example, all the tutorials are one step and the puzzles in the first area can be solved in 2-3 steps. Unified obstacles and keys are also used so the team can design a large number of levels more efficiently. 

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